Sometimes going breaks

Sometimes you finally get up and go it breaks.

Monday I have to work onsite at a customer in the Navajo Nation. I hatched a plan to go early on Sunday with my son to explore Canyon de Chelly in northeast Arizona. My business partner is driving on Monday and I didn't want to have two cars for the 5-hour one-way trip. So on Sunday I caught a shuttle from Phoenix to Flagstaff where my son is going to school. We'd take his car to the canyon and on Monday he'd drop me off for my job.

I made it to Flagstaff but alas, he got sick--breaking our plan. I was excited to spend time with him and expolore and photoghraph the canyon. It's a loss of one-on-one time, a waste of money, a loss of adventure, and a waste of time. But that's what happens when you get up and go. Sometimes going breaks.

The key is to smile and then get up and go again...