iPhone Video

The recent generations of Apple iPhone, dating back to the iPhone 6, have great cameras including HD video. I've been a stills photographer since I was fourteen years old and I've been thinking about learning video. I've dreamt about creating short films and documentaries. My GAS and analysis paralysis lead me down the path of some fancy video gear but in a moment of great (for me) restraint I decided to start small and use my iPhone 7.

Of course starting small doesn't have to mean zero gear nor zero fun. So I did some quick research about iPhone camera accessories and put together my first video kit. Here's my kit (pictured in this post's photo):

Total Cost: $672

This kit enhances what I can do with the iPhone and looks pretty cool too. You can spend less on an iPhone rig. In particular you can buy cheaper lenses, microphone (or use the built in microphone), and rig to stabilize and hold everything together. I already had the Sennheiser MKE 400 or else I might have gone with something different or cheaper. Of course $672 as a "cheap" solution shows why there are so many new manufacturers of mobile accessories and social networking products. Invest in one or build your own!

I'm currently filming a documentation of making goat milk at our super nano farm (AKA our house with a large yard, garden, chickens, and goats). I plan to post it to Harvest Next Door.